AlterPolitics New Post

The Reagan Legacy

by on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 1:33 pm EDT in Politics

Andrew Levine reflects on Ronald Reagan’s legacy, and how — to this very day — it continues to derail sensible policies:

The most enthusiastic Reaganites today are radical, nationalist, racist and xenophobic; just like the fascists of old. And because Democrats lack the courage and conviction to stop them, they drag our politics rightward, regardless of who sits in the White House or which party controls Congress.

These circumstances have forced the left or what remains of it into a defensive mode — struggling, often in vain, to retain as much as possible of the social, political and economic progress gained before the Reagan era began. Not in the Tea Party sense, but according to the real meaning of the word, it has made conservatives of those who would otherwise be struggling to make a qualitatively better world.

For many, Obama, the Rorschach candidate, conjured up hopes of putting an end to this sad state of affairs, putting progress back on the agenda. But, as Reagan’s screenwriters might have had him say, “boy, were they wrong!” Under Obama as much as under Clinton or either Bush, Reagan rules.

You can read the article in its entirety over at Huffington Post.

WATCH: Ted Olson Rips Apart ALL Fox News Talking Points on Prop 8 Decision

by on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 12:11 pm EDT in Politics

Fox News’ Chris Wallace, in his interview with Ted Olson (attorney for the American Foundation for Equal Rights), dishes out all the right wing talking points against Judge Vaughn Walker’s Proposition 8 decision: blatant judicial activism, an abdication of strict constructionism, the denial of the rights of the popular majority, not to mention the circumvention of states rights, etc.

Well, Ted Olson proceeds to articulately dismantles every single one of Wallace’s assertions so thoroughly and so coherently that Chris Wallace could do nothing, but compliment Olson at the end of the interview.   Enjoy!

Watch:  [youtube][/youtube]

Is Obama’s Health Care ‘Reform’ Plan Destined For Massachusetts’ Results?

by on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 8:25 am EDT in Healthcare, Politics

Robert J. Samuelson of the Washington Post highlights the similarities between Obama’s and Massachusetts’ health care plans — specifically, the fact neither did a thing to reign in costs — and Samuelson forewarns that the nation’s plan will likely suffer the same fate as the Bay State’s:

If you want a preview of President Obama’s health-care “reform,” take a look at Massachusetts. In 2006, it enacted a “reform” that became a model for Obama. What’s happened since isn’t encouraging. The state did the easy part: expanding state-subsidized insurance coverage. It evaded the hard part: controlling costs and ensuring that spending improves people’s health. Unfortunately, Obama has done the same.

Massachusetts, like Obama, was as timid in confronting the runaway profits of Big Pharma, health insurance companies, and medical professionals as it was committed to actually solving the escalating health care crisis.  The result: Massachusetts health care costs continue to soar:

Aside from squeezing take-home pay (employers provide almost 70 percent of insurance), higher costs have automatically shifted government priorities toward health care and away from everything else — schools, police, roads, prisons, lower taxes. In 1990, health spending represented about 16 percent of the state budget, says the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. By 2000, health’s share was 22 percent. In 2010, it’s 35 percent. About 90 percent of the health spending is Medicaid.

State leaders have proved powerless to control these costs.  […]

Attacking unpopular insurance companies is easy — and ultimately ineffectual. The trouble is that they’re mostly middlemen. They collect premiums and pay providers: doctors, hospitals, clinics. Limiting premiums without controlling the costs of providers will ultimately cause insurer bankruptcies, which would then threaten providers because they won’t be fully reimbursed. The state might regulate hospitals’ and doctors’ fees directly; but in the past, providers have often offset lower rates by performing more tests and procedures.  […]

The lesson from Massachusetts is that genuine cost control is avoided because it’s so politically difficult. It means curbing the incomes of doctors, hospitals and other providers. They object. To encourage “accountable care organizations” would limit consumer choice of doctors and hospitals. That’s unpopular. Spending restrictions, whether imposed by regulation or “global payments,” raise the specter of essential care denied. Also unpopular. […]

What’s occurring in Massachusetts is the plausible future: Unchecked health spending shapes government priorities and inflates budget deficits and taxes, with small health gains. And they call this “reform”?

Though I agree with much of what Samuelson writes on medical cost containment, I disagree with his assertion that insurance companies are merely ‘middlemen’, therefore contributing little to runaway medical costs.   There is a long documented history of health insurance companies price gauging companies and patients with exorbitant premium hikes based on little more than ‘exaggerated justification’:

Aetna has become the second health insurance company in California since April to scrap planned rate hikes, following revelations last week that “math errors” in the company’s application exaggerated justification for the proposed rate increase.

The company had sought a 19 percent rate increase affecting 65,000 policyholders in California. […]

Anthem Blue Cross withdrew a much larger, 39 percent rate increase request in April that would have affected 800,000 policyholders in California, following detection by state workers of similar calculation errors.  […]

Filings for rate increases by Blue Shield of California and Health Net Inc. are also under review by state regulators.  […]

An expert hired by the New Mexico Attorney General’s office similarly concluded that Blue Cross Blue Shield New Mexico had inflated its losses to justify a controversial 21.3 percent rate hike, but the AG’s office nevertheless signed off on the rate hike. […]

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently responded to these unjustified premium increases:

“I applaud California for its decision to shine more light on skyrocketing insurance rates and demand more accountability after uncovering that a second insurer used faulty math to try to justify exorbitant health insurance premium increases.”

Unfortunately, Obama’s decision to sidestep the central issue in this country’s health care crisis — runaway costs — will likely come back to haunt the Left. The forthcoming spiraling costs will most certainly be used by the opposition to undermine any future efforts for REAL reform.

Meet The Press: Sen. John Cornyn Can’t Distinguish Today’s GOP Policies From Those Under Bush

by on Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 1:51 pm EDT in Politics

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex, who heads the National Republican Senatorial Committee) cannot name a single issue on how the Republican Party today differs from the Republican Party during the Bush administration: Gregory: What does distinguish the Republican Party of today from the Republican Party under President Bush’s rule with regards to spending — which is […]

Video: PULP Perform ‘I Spy’ Live on Jools Holland Show — 1995

by on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 10:00 pm EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

Britain’s Jarvis Cocker of Pulp is one of the greatest lyricists, songwriters, performers to somehow duck the American marketplace.  ‘Different Class’ is in my personal Top Ten ‘greatest albums of all time’ list.  Released in 1995, the album rose to #1 in the UK Album Charts, spawning four top 10 singles, including the immensely popular […]

Alan Greenspan To GOP: Let Bush Tax Cuts Lapse

by on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 2:59 pm EDT in Politics

The former Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan, is now rebuking the popular GOP Supply-Side talking point (as trumpeted recently by Mitch McConnell) that tax cuts increase revenues, and therefore help reduce deficits: “They should follow the law and let [Bush’s tax cuts] lapse,” Greenspan said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Conversations with Judy Woodruff,” citing […]

NY Times’ Paul Krugman: Supply Side Economics Creates Deficits

by on Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 10:43 am EDT in Politics

Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman, attempts to educate a largely ignorant Republican/Tea Party constituency on the documented failures of Supply Side economics.  He focuses on the Carter and Reagan years (since Republican politicians tend to cite Reaganomics as their model for economic success), and he demonstrates that revenues actually dropped decisively with Reagan’s tax […]

Fox News Legal Analyst, Napolitano, Says Bush And Cheney Should Be Indicted

by on Monday, July 12, 2010 at 3:22 pm EDT in Politics

Ralph Nader appeared on C-Span2’s Book TV with Fox News senior judicial analyst, Andrew Napolitano, to discuss his new book, “Lies the Government Told You”. For all the differences between ‘Naderism’ and Ron Paul’s brand of conservatism — which Napolitano subscribes to — they are clearly on the same page when it comes to government accountability.  […]

ICC Charges Sudanese President, al-Bashir, With Genocide in Darfur

by on Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:51 am EDT in Africa, Sudan, World

Is justice FINALLY coming to Darfur? From the AP: THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The International Criminal Court on Monday charged Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir with three counts of genocide in Darfur, a move that will pile further diplomatic pressure on his isolated regime. The decision marked the first time the world’s first permanent war crimes […]

Video: Norman Finkelstein Exposes Benny Morris As Propagandist

by on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 3:04 pm EDT in Middle East, World

Here’s a heated debate on Russian Television (h/t Mondoweiss) between Norman Finkelstein and Israel’s ‘famed historian’, Benny Morris. Finkelstein, as always, displays an impressive command of the facts, leaving Morris looking frazzled for much of the debate.  On Gaza, for instance, Finkelstein cites the details of the Goldstone Report (details which had been cross-corroborated by […]