War Mongers Are Furious About Proposed War Surtax On Wealthiest 2%
Those on the right — the same ones who claimed to be ‘fiscal conservatives’ while they doubled our national debt with trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy, while simultaneously fighting two wars — are now up in arms that the richest two percent may be asked to pay a war surtax to help fund the wars they so eagerly mislead us into fighting.
It all began when two prominent democrats floated the idea to the press. The chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, David Obey told ABC News in an exclusive interview:
“There ain’t going to be no money for nothing if we pour it all into Afghanistan. If they ask for an increased troop commitment in Afghanistan, I am going to ask them to pay for it.”
Obey, a Democrat from Wisconsin, made it clear that he is absolutely opposed to sending any more U.S. troops to Afghanistan and says if Obama decides to do that, he’ll demand a new tax — what he calls a “war surtax” — to pay for it.
“On the merits, I think it is a mistake to deepen our involvement,” Obey said. “But if we are going to do that, then at least we ought to pay for it. Because if we don’t, if we don’t pay for it, the cost of the Afghan war will wipe out every initiative we have to rebuild our own economy.”
Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told Bloomberg Television much the same:
Higher-income Americans should be taxed to pay for more troops sent to Afghanistan and NATO should provide half of the new soldiers.
An “additional income tax to the upper brackets, folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000” a year, could fund more troops.
White House Budget Director Peter Orszag has estimated that each additional soldier in Afghanistan could cost $1 million, for a total that could reach $40 billion if 40,000 more troops are added.
That cost, Levin said, should be paid by wealthier taxpayers. “They have done incredibly well, and I think that it’s important that we pay for it if we possibly can” instead of increasing the federal debt load, the senator said.
Sounds reasonable to me. One of the chief reasons many in our country were so quick to buy into Bush’s call to invade Iraq was because only the troops and their families were being asked to make any sacrifice. If Bush had imposed a war surtax, Americans would have required some serious convincing that Iraq actually posed a threat to this country — of course it never did.
The unfortunate truth of the matter is most people are not altruistic by nature; most are narcissistic. They only care deeply about the things that impact their and their family’s lives directly. All the chicken-hawk, neo-cons gladly mislead our nation into invading and occupying Iraq, where other people’s children would lose their lives for some ulterior agenda — something we’ll probably never fully get to the bottom of.
If you want to prevent unnecessary wars; prevent open-ended commitments to wars based on Presidents’ political calculations; and prevent our nation from going bankrupt in the process, it is imperative to demand financial sacrifice from the citizens of this country. Only then will the country wake up, and start asking questions. Only then will our wars be conducted for reasons of absolute necessity. And only when that happens, will it be money well-spent.
Which is probably why Fox News, the Heritage Foundation, and other right-winged war mongers are up in arms about this proposal. The frenzy has just begun:
Why PETA’s Turkey Commercial Should Not Be Banned
PETA’s new Thanksgiving commercial features a large family gathered around the dining room table upon which a man places a big juicy turkey, and asks his little daughter to say Grace. She agrees and then what follows provokes uncomfortable gestures from everyone around the table. What is it the little girl said that drew such a response? She merely spoke about what had happened to the turkey they were about to eat.
Here’s the thirty second ad:
PETA submitted the commercial to be run on NBC during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. PETA states:
the station asked us to give more information about the cruelty behind turkey slaughter to back up the statements made in the ad. But even after we sent the network this New York Times article chronicling the grisly facts about turkey factory farming, it nixed the ad, claiming that “this commercial does not meet NBC Universal standards.”
Former Beatle Paul McCartney got it right when he said, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”
What this controversy is really all about is the dark, disturbing reality that lurks behind a seemingly “wholesome” tradition — a tradition which, would appear, can only be enjoyed with eyes wide shut. If people have no moral reservations about eating meat, then they should be able to confront the realities inherent in supporting their diets. If they become upset and disturbed when confronted with those realities — well, then that speaks volumes.
My own personal belief system goes something like this: I want the facts before me — I want the whole truth; the uncensored, unbridled TRUTH. If I find that the truth somehow conflicts with my traditions, my lifestyle, or my belief system, then those things must evolve. When humanity turns a blind eye to reality — to the facts and evidence before them — to shield their fragile traditions and beliefs they are essentially throwing their logical reasoning and moral compass to the wind. It’s the same sort of willful blindness that has given birth to all sorts of unspeakable crimes in the world.
That little girl’s Thanksgiving prayer revealed unspeakable cruelty to animals which upsets me on moral grounds, and for that reason I’ll be eating lasagna this Thanksgiving. Anyone bothered by that commercial should be doing exactly the same.
NBC should not be attempting to shield its viewers from the realities inherent in our diets. They should be doing the very opposite: presenting the facts, and allowing the people to make informed choices for themselves. Their censorship is an outrage.
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