AlterPolitics New Post

Nancy Pelosi: The Lone Democratic Leader Fighting For Health Care Reform

by on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 2:08 pm EDT in Healthcare, Politics

Nancy Pelosi Speaks With President Obama

New estimates from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office showed a healthcare overhaul drafted by Democrats would reduce the U.S. budget deficit over 10 years and cost less than $900 billion.  Reuters reports that:

[Pelosi] asked CBO to provide estimates on three versions of the [public] option — one based on reimbursement rates paid to healthcare providers under Medicare and two that would rely on reimbursement rates negotiated with the providers.

All three were shown to reduce the annual budget deficit and come in under The President’s goal of $900 billion.  Speaker Pelosi is reported to be pushing the Medicare-based public option for passage:

Pelosi (D-Calif.) made it clear in a leadership meeting Tuesday night that she intends for the Medicare-based public option to be included in the final House bill.

She added that passing a strong public option will give the House negotiating leverage in conference negotiations with the Senate.

The Medicare-based plan, called the “robust” option or “Medicare Plus 5” in the jargon that has emerged on Capitol Hill, ties provider reimbursement rates to Medicare, adding 5 percent.  That option saves the most money, according to congressional analysts, by competing with those companies and driving down premiums.

Pelosi still hasn’t pulled together the essential 218 votes needed for passage, though she revealed they are close.

So, while President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid continue to waffle around on the public option — and, in doing so, display a serious lack of fortitude — their counterpart in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, continues to demonstrate both courage and tenacity.  Pelosi has effectively become the lone ‘change agent’ within the Democratic Leadership.

The American people spoke loud and clear in the 2008 elections: they granted the new Democratic President and the two Democratic-controlled Houses of Congress a mandate for change, and it appears that ONLY Nancy Pelosi got their message.

Should a robust public option get passed in a final bill — thereby ensuring real health care reform — Americans will have Nancy Pelosi to thank for it; not “with the help of” the White House, but “in spite of” the White House — who effectively undermined the public option at every turn.

Thank You, Nancy Pelosi, for taking the lead as a real ‘change agent’ when both your male counterparts appear to lack the courage, the conviction — the balls! — to stick out their own necks.


Watch: Nancy Pelosi tells Bloomberg today that she has the 218 necessary votes for a strong public option.  She explains why it is essential to any reform bill:



The Medicare-based plan, called the “robust” option or “Medicare Plus 5” in the jargon that has emerged on Capitol Hill, ties provider reimbursement rates to Medicare, adding 5 percent.

Watch: Fox ‘News’ People Push The Same Lies As Fox Commentators

by on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 6:09 pm EDT in Politics

The Fox News Channel’s core line of defense against White House assertions that they are not a ‘news’ organization, but propagandists, can be summed up by Bill O’Reilly’s Oct. 13 — O’Reilly Factor ‘Talking Points’:

First of all, there is no question that Fox News is tougher on the Obama administration than the other TV news operations, because we actually have some conservative commentators on this network … However, our hard news people don’t do commentary. […]

Our hard news coverage is fair and balanced. Again, if somebody doesn’t believe that, let’s see the evidence because bloviating walks.

And that’s “The Memo.”

Well, Bill, it appears Media Matters has taken you up on your challenge.  They’ve put together this scathing compilation of Fox News clips, first displaying your channel’s wing-nut commentary lies, and then it jumps to your hard news team where these same lies are being elevated to ‘real factual issues’:


And if you’d like to see some more, the Huffington Post has put together “The Ten Most Egregious Fox News Distortions” — ten separate clips of Fox ‘hard’ News doing its routine misinformation thing.  Scroll through all ten and vote for the most egregious distortion of the lot.

Bill, there’s the evidence.  Now what were you saying about ‘bloviating’?


Watch: Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros “Tony Adams”

by on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 10:56 am EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

In the name of disclosure, I’ll just say that The Clash are one of my all-time favorite bands.

I sense that quite a few out there have shied away from Joe Strummer’s post-Clash efforts.  For those of you who loved The Clash, but haven’t yet delved into this part of Strummer’s career, a word to the wise: “there’s gold in them there hills.”

Here’s one of my favorite Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros songs.  Off the Rock Art and the X-Ray Style album — it could fit nicely on Sandinista — Here’s ‘Tony Adams’.  Enjoy!:



You can download ‘Tony Adams’ or the entire Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros album, Rock Art and the X-Ray Style, here:   Joe Strummer - Rock Art & the X-Ray Style - Tony Adams

White House Repeats Message: Fox News Is ‘Propaganda Masquerading as News’

by on Monday, October 19, 2009 at 8:40 am EDT in Politics

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the serious threat a well-funded and popular propaganda organization — masquerading as a ‘news’ channel — posed to our country’s democracy.   Well, it appears the White House is now on the same page: Last week White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told Time Magazine: “[Fox News] […]

David Byrne and Brian Eno “Strange Overtones” Live in Paris

by on Monday, October 19, 2009 at 12:11 am EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

Here’s a song for fellow Roxy Music and Talking Heads fans.  Over a year ago, when I first learned Byrne and Eno were releasing an album together, I googled their site, Everything That Happens.   I was both shocked and delighted to learn they were giving away the album’s first single, “Strange Overtones,” as a […]

Two-thirds of Americans Want Public-Option: Olympia Snowe To Be ‘The Decider’

by on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 5:32 pm EDT in Healthcare, Politics

Is there any wonder why Americans are so cynical about their government?  The White House and key Democrats in the Senate are essentially telling us that a necessity for a ‘bi-partisan’ Health Care Reform bill trumps the actual contents of said bill.  Consider that their definition of a ‘bi-partisan’ bill is one passed by ONLY […]

The Status Quo And How Washington Ensures It

by on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 12:03 pm EDT in Politics

A major impasse appears to exist these days between Democrats and Republicans on virtually every issue.  On the surface, it would seem it’s all ideology-based.  But upon closer inspection, their hostilities are, in large part, incited by media-manufactured outrage, where partisan vitriol and ideological demagoguery drowns out all thoughtful discourse. Unfortunately, our country is in […]

Obama’s ‘Lobbyist Ban’: A White House ‘Aspiration’ To Remain Unenforced

by on Monday, October 12, 2009 at 10:25 am EDT in Politics, World

Kevin Bogardus of The Hill did a nice follow-up on the status of Obama’s campaign promise to ban all lobbyists from serving in his administration.  The White House issued a ‘guidance’ on the matter two weeks ago, and here’s what Bogardus’s investigative reporting uncovered: The Hill contacted all 20 Cabinet-level agencies to see if they […]

Watch: Camera Obscura “If Looks Could Kill”

by on Friday, October 9, 2009 at 10:32 pm EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

Here’s a Scottish band that I absolutely adore.  Their sound takes me back to my youth in the 80s.  My wife and I had the pleasure of seeing them at the Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro, NC recently.  They are amazing!  Tracyanne Campbell is the best songwriter of her generation.  I’m not exaggerating. These days, most […]

Watch: Tuomo “Don’t take it too hard” – BEST SONG OF 2008!

by on Friday, October 9, 2009 at 9:54 pm EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

This is my favorite song from 2008. In fact, it’s one of my favorite tunes written in the new century. This talent, Tuomo, is largely unknown, and I believe he’s still unsigned.  For those of you in the American Music Industry, he’s hiding out in Finland. FIND HIM, AND SIGN HIM! This song stands up […]