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Watch: Groove Armada Perform ‘Superstylin’ LIVE At Brixton Academy 2002

by on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 12:50 pm EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

Grammy-nominated single ‘Superstylin’ is one of my favorite dance club ‘Big Beat’ tracks — definitely my favorite Groove Armada track.  Behind the heavy bass, and awesome melody is some powerful Jamaican-style toasting.  It’s something between dance-hall reggae and a heavy rave/club tune.  Truly hypnotic — the kind of song that will fuel your gym workouts, jogging, dancing, what-not …  It’s a mainstay on my iPod for each and every workout at the gym, and after years of listening, I never tire of it.

Enta in de dance, Plug it in an we begin

Crowd up in de centa, Dey watch (be dibidim)

Watch da way we drop it in a mix timin’ …

If you haven’t heard this, you will love it.  Here they are performing ‘Superstylin’ at Brixton Academy in London, England.  Enjoy!:


To download Groove Armada’s, ‘Superstylin’, or The Best of Groove Armada album, click here: Groove Armada - The Best of: Groove Armada - Superstylin'

Harper’s Magazine Interviews Desmond Travers On Goldstone Report

by on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 10:52 am EDT in Middle East, World

Here’s an interesting read: Ken Silverstein interviews Den Travers, one of the four members of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.  “Travers is a retired Colonel of the Army of the Irish Defence Forces. His last appointment was as Commandant of its Military College. He also served in command of troops with various UN and EU peace support missions.”

Silverstein asks Travers six questions about the Goldstone Report — which found that Israel and Hamas committed war crimes:

1. Were you surprised by the criticism of the report?

There was a lot of criticism even before the report came out, primarily against individuals, especially Justice Richard Goldstone. So we were not unduly surprised by the whinging when the report was released, except for the intensity and viciousness of the personal attacks. Justice Goldstone has publicly invited the critics, especially within the U.S. government, to come forward with substantive evidence of incorrect or inaccurate statements. But there has been no credible criticism of the report itself or of the information elucidated in it.

2. Douglas Griffiths, the American delegate to the Human Rights Council, said, “While Justice Goldstone acknowledged Hamas’s crimes, in examining Israel’s response sufficient weight was not given to the difficulties faced in fighting this kind of enemy in this environment.” Is that a fair criticism?

I was a soldier for 42 years and I reject that criticism, which seems intended to excuse alleged Israeli breaches of the laws of warfare. I retired as a colonel in the Irish army in 2001 having served in war zones in Cyprus, Lebanon, Bosnia and Croatia, and I would not underestimate the challenge of combat in built-up areas. Nonetheless, armies have never had the technological luxury that they do today when it comes to taking out targets without inflicting collateral damage.


Read the last four Q&As here: Six Questions for Desmond Travers on the Goldstone Report

Why Obama’s Policies Put Wall Street’s Interests Ahead Of Main Street’s

by on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 1:57 pm EDT in Politics

Dan Froomkin at Huffington Post connects the dots:

Many of [Obama’s] chief financial advisers have pocketed extraordinary amount of money from banks and Wall Street, and presumably intend to do so again. They are part of the banker class, and their loyalties have been bought and paid for.


Obama’s top economic adviser, Larry Summers:

was paid $5.2 million for his part-time work for a massive hedge fund in 2008. He also took in more than $2.7 million in fees for speaking engagements at such places as Citigroup, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs — including one visit alone that netted him $135,000 from Goldman Sachs.

Deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, Michael Froman:

received $7.4 million from Citigroup between January 2008 and January 2009 — including a year-end bonus of $2.25 million that he received just days before coming to work at the White House for a man who was at that very moment calling just such bonuses “shameful”.

Froomkin breaks down the speaking fees and millions made by each of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s closest aides as recent as this year.  It really is a corrupted pack of wolves that Obama has put together to guard the hen house:  READ MORE HERE

Court Listens To Serbian Leader Phone Tap: Talks Of Exterminating Muslims

by on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 9:28 am EDT in Europe, World

Radovan Karadzic, the Serbian leader believed to be the mastermind of the Serbian-Bosnian conflict — which resulted in the death of over 100,000 people — has refused to leave his prison cell at The Hague, effectively boycotting his own trial.   Karadizic is charged with two acts of genocide and nine other war crimes, and […]

Bill Moyers Interviews Justice Richard Goldstone About Gaza Investigations

by on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 7:52 pm EDT in Middle East, Politics, World

Here’s a must see for those interested in learning more about the UN Human Rights Council’s investigation into Israel’s military incursion into Gaza, and its controversial findings: namely that both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes. Bill Moyers speaks at length with Justice Richard Goldstone — whom I wrote about last week.  Here’s a few […]

George W. Bush’s Cover-Up Is Now Obama’s Cover-Up

by on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 5:18 pm EDT in Iraq, Politics, World

The New York Times Editorial blasted President Obama yesterday for breaking his campaign promise to end George W. Bush’s “abuses of power, denials of justice to the victims of wayward government policies, and the shielding of officials from accountability.” The Times outlines how Obama has aggressively — from the get-go — taken George W’s torch […]

Watch: From 1980 — Boomtown Rats Perform Hit ‘Banana Republic’

by on Monday, October 26, 2009 at 4:57 pm EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

Here’s a fabulous song by Bob Geldof’s old band — from Dublin, Ireland — The Boomtown Rats.  For those unfamiliar with this track, it’s got a great reggae-infused melody that will leave you humming it over and over again, all day and night.  Songs like these make me miss the 80s something terrible: Enjoy!: [youtube][/youtube] […]

Video Clips Capture The Right-Wing Media Spin Cycle: Lie, Terrify, Win, Repeat

by on Monday, October 26, 2009 at 3:01 pm EDT in Politics

Media Matters has just released a fascinating compilation of clips showing step-by-step how Fox News, Industry-Funded Operatives, and right-winged politicians take a simple lie / fear-mongering point, and spread it like wildfire, until a significant number of American citizens believe it, and become terrified by it.  This is a MUST WATCH: [youtube][/youtube] Let us know […]

PLEASE Sign! EMERGENCY Petitions To Save The Public Option!

by on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 5:25 pm EDT in Healthcare, Politics

Petition to HARRY REID: “Don’t let the Baucus bill kill the public option.”  SIGN HERE:  CREDO Action Petition to PRESIDENT OBAMA:   “Every day, insurance companies deny care and let people die. Getting one Republican senator’s vote is not worth delaying reform — too many real lives are at stake. We need you to fight and […]

Watch: Lily Allen Does Her Pop — Reggae Hit, ‘Smile’

by on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 9:23 am EDT in Arts & Entertainment, Music

I understand this song was a hit in the UK/Europe, and as a result Lily Allen is pretty big there.  For some reason it didn’t happen here, and therefore most Americans aren’t too familiar with Allen or this song. The song ‘Smile’ from her album Alright, Still has got a great melody — pop / […]